
Puff Daddy Is Getting Hit With A Lot Of Serious Charges In UCLA Incident

By HHL Editors

Yesterday, Diddy was jailed for assault with a deadly weapon in an incident involving UCLA strength coach Sal Alosi.

He's out of jail, after posting a $50,000 bond. But he's also been hit with a slew of other charges: 2 more counts of assault with a deadly weapon; 1 count of making terrorist threats; and 1 count of battery.

Sources say the incident began when Alosi kicked Diddy's son Justin out of practice for lack of effort.

A bit later Puff barged into Alosi office with Justin in tow. The coach, who was on the phone, told Justin he would talk to him soon, but that Diddy had to go.

According to the Bruin Report Online, who spoke to multiple witnesses, Alosi had his hands up in a non-threatening way and then Diddy walked into Alosi’s hand, and told Alosi not to put his hands on him.

Next, according to witnesses, Diddy attacked Alosi. Multiple interns rushed in and pulled Diddy away. It was at that point the 45-year old picked up the kettlebell weight and swung it at one of the interns.

Police say Diddy also swung the weight at Alosi, and told the coach he was going to "fuck" him up. (Hence the terrorist threat charge.) Alosi suffered cuts on his face and a torn shirt.

Despite all this, UCLA officials suggest some or all of the charges might be dropped if Diddy agrees to stay away from their football program.

Posted In: Sports