
T.I. Gives Late Friend & Bodyguard's Daughter A New Car

By HHL Editors

T.I.'s old friend and bodyguard Philant Johnson was shot dead during an altercation after a 2006 Tip show in Cincinnati

During the trial for the shooter, T.I. explained that he knew the bullet that killed his friend was meant for him. He also spoke on breaking the news of Big Phil's death to Phil's five-year-old daughter.

"I told her her daddy's gone and he's in a better place and he won't be coming back. And I told her how much he loved her," T.I. said.
Eleven years later, Tip is still tight with Big Phil's little girl. In the video below, he buys the high school senior a car so she can drive to school in comfort.

See Phil... Our Loyalty lives forever!!! She's been on hers & doing everything we can possibly ask her to do. Making straight As & maintaining a 3.8 GPA all the way through school,staying away from all the things we were eyeball deep into when we was her age,& doing any & everything that's EVER been asked of her since you left. How can we not make sure she rides cool & in comfort her senior year? We miss you more than we can express... but we'll fill in for you in every way we can until it's all said & done. Next up... #College ‍♂️ She gon go wherever she wanna go.... and be whatever she wanna be... ON US!!! #LOVE4LIFE #FAMILYFOREVER #RIPBIGPHIL #HustleGangOverErrrthang #PSC4LIFEandDEATH #ImSoHappyToSeeHerHappy #SheDeservesIt

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Special Thanx to my guy @atlcarguy_dave & her other uncles @croddgrandhustle @kthustle @douggrandhustle @rubiconatl for putting the play together for me!!! I keep playing back the video cause I love to hear her say "I can't stop smiling".... and to make sure I heard her right. Didn't she say she could give up da thought of a prom date? I think that's what I heard didn't I Phil???.... heh well, We may lose that battle but as long as she remembers what I told her.... "HER way,on HER terms,in HER time,or NO DICE!!!! #LOVE4LIFE #FAMILYFOREVER #RIPBIGPHIL #PSC4LIFEandDEATH #ImSoHappyToSeeHerHappyv#SheDeservesIt #HustleGangOverErrrthang

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Posted In: Video T.I.