
The Game Claps Back At Those Who Say He's Using Nipsey Hussle's Name For Clout

By Daryl Nelson

The Game continued to honor Nipsey Hussle by posting a throwback photo.

The image shows both Cali rappers, as well as Wu-Tang Clan's Raekwon and Pharrell all standing together.

"Remember this day like it was yesterday. We went from westside Compton in my hood wit my homies to Crenshaw & Slauson in yo hood," Game wrote. "I can hear @pharrell voice in my head still sayin 'Y’all like super-heroes for surviving in this sh*t'.... we laughed, we was young, just happy to be living out our dream."

The Game also addressed the critics who questioned his sincerity behind his many Nipsey tributes.

"People might question my posts of you, so what... get used to it, I’m posting my n*gga everyday until my last," he wrote. "Judge my motives, so what."

You can see The Game's full message below.


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Remember this day like it was yesterday. We went from westside Compton in my hood wit my homies to Crenshaw & Slauson in yo hood... I can hear @pharrell voice in my head still sayin “Y’all like super-heroes for surviving in this shit”.... we laughed, we was young, just happy to be living out our dreams. People might question my posts of you, so what... get used to it, I’m posting my nigga everyday until my last. Judge my motives, so what... you don’t know me & you wasn’t there the day a young blood rolled down his window & took the mixtape of a young crip & what we know today as the “KING NIPSEY HUSSLE”. 2 kids that shared the same passion for music & their respective cities. 2 young gang members who saw the beauty in the people & neighborhood around us even when the outside world depicted its darkness. See it as you may.... but when you see me, you will see Nip... FOREVER !!! & deep down in my heart, I know he would’ve pushed the same line for me ! I believe that with everything God has instilled in me. His name, his children & his legacy is to be protected at all costs #TheMarathonContinues 🏁

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