Jaden Smith is known for such attention-seeking behaviors as dressing like a girl, attending weddings as a superhero, pretending Tyler, The Creator is his boyfriend, and dropping the "Smith" from his famous name.
Now his family has staged an intervention. But it has nothing to do with any of that.
In the most recent episode of Jaden's mom's Jada Smith show Red Table Talk, she discussed with her husband and Jaden's father Will Jaden's decision to switch to a vegan diet and eat as little as one meal a day.
"We realized he wasn't getting enough protein," Jada said. "He just looked drained. He looked depleted."
The family got together and impressed upon Jaden that he needs to eat better. He agreed
"I'll go vegan for a week or so," Jaden explained. "But for the past year I've been vegetarian."
You can watch the episode here.