
Nicki Minaj Wants Sanction Of Husband's Rape Victim For Saying Nicki's Blood


Despite reports to the contrary, Jennifer Hough is still suing Nicki Minaj and her husband Kenny Petty for harassment and intimidation.

Petty pled guilty to the attempted rape of Hough 27 years ago and did four years for his crime.

Hough claims Nicki and Kenny have been trying to get her to recant the charges against Petty through a campaign of bribery and then threats.

The suit was originally filed in New York, but Hough recently moved it to California, where Nicki and Kenny live.  A maneuver that led to the talk that she had dropped the case.

In new filings, Nicki Minaj takes issue with Hough's claim that Nicki used her affiliation with the Bloods to intimidate Hough.

"Nicki wants to sanction Hough for smearing her good name over the “inexcusable and wholly unsupported accusations against Ms. Maraj, such as that she ordered someone to kill [Hough] and that she is a member of a notorious street gang,” according to the rapper’s lawyer Judd Burstein.

Posted In: Legal Nicki Minaj
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