
Rick Ross Reacts to Feds Fining Him For paying WingStop Workers Less Than $7.50 An Hour


The  Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division has fined five Mississippi Wingstop locations owned by Rick Ross and his family members $114,427 for numerous violations, including effectively paying their workers less than the $7.50 federal minimum wage.

The Bawse addressed the embarrassing legal setback in his mansion while wearing a Balmain sweater.

I want to take time to address something. When you running a business, there will be mistakes, but as the Biggest Bawse, you don’t make the same mistakes twice, you see? Accountability.  Taking accountability is big when you the biggest, and remember this, most successful people don’t take stumbling as a setback but actually a stepping stone to greater things, you heard me? Let’s be great," he said, and then played some music.

Posted In: Legal Rick Ross