
Watch Man In Maserati Opens Fire On Woman With Kids In Car After Being Cut Off


There have been some terrible road rage stories involving children lately.

The latest has a somewhat happy ending in that nobody was killed.

But it's certainly more evidence that some drivers need to take about a dozen chill pills before getting behind the wheel.

Watch a man in a Maserati open fire on a woman with two kids in her car in Northeast DC because she cuts him off.

The woman was hit the shoulder but will be OK.

"We didn’t say anything to each other," she told NBC 4 of the man who seemed to have been going for a head shot. "I feel like people like that, they have no place in society. To me he acts like an animal, he acted like an animal."

Police are on the lookout.  A man with a Maserati shouldn't be that hard to catch.

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